induver Antwerpen NV

Need advice or guidance with your insurance or other services? At Induver, we anticipate the challenges you face within your company.

Find an office in your area and request a non-binding consultation; our experts will be happy to answer your questions.

Opening hours from Monday through Friday:
08:30u – 12:15u en 13:15u – 17:00u

You are, by appointment, always welcome at our office.
Make sure to check in advance whether your advisor or file manager will be there!

Customer satisfaction is one of the foundations of our firm. You can read our complaint management policy here.


Sjarel De Bondt


Mieke Verstraeten

Chief of Staff

Jean-Luc Verbaet

Director International Relations

Account Managers - Product Managers

Arno Suls

Product Manager Construction, Engineering & Liability

Ben Brocken

Product Manager Construction, Engineering & Liability

Erwin Troch

Account Manager

Frank De Busschere

Account Manager

Inge Peeters

Product Manager Property

Johan Schueremans

Expert Wealth - Corporate Development

Maxence Van Moerkercke

Account Manager

Ronny Tourné

Account Manager

Steve Davis

Account Manager

Vincent Van Gestel

Account Manager

Wim Somers

Account Manager

Account Advisors

Kellie Dhanis

Manager Production & International Desk

Elien Nuytemans

Account Advisor

Noor Ruts

Account Advisor

Pascale Goossens

Account Advisor

Rani Caluwé

Account Advisor

Sam Goddeeris

Account Advisor

Tania Vandenhende

Expert Advisor - International Desk

Thomas Thijs

Account Advisor

Account Advisors - Pension & Benefits

Ann Delabie

Account Advisor Pension & Benefits

Danielle Vinck

Account Advisor Pension & Benefits

Erika Van de Vijver

Account Advisor Pension & Benefits

Korneel De Moor

Account Advisor Pension & Benefits

Fleet Department

Glenn Barbier

Manager Claims, Fleet & Private Lines

Ria Seminck-Biesemans

Technical Lead Fleet

Alexandre Müller

Account Advisor Fleet

Els Schoeters

Account Advisor Fleet

Mieke Sambaer

Account Advisor Fleet

Pascale De Maeyer

Account Advisor

Sven Iwens

Account Advisor


Glenn Barbier

Manager Claims, Fleet & Private Lines

Steven Van Broeck

Technical Lead Claims

Katia Renders

Claims Advisor

Marleen Vermeylen

Claims Advisor

Milenka Albrechts

Claims Advisor

Nathalie Kempka

Claims Advisor

Nico Poels

Claims Advisor

Renzo Govaerts

Claims Advisor

Sandra Van Regenmortel

Claims Advisor

Office Support

Besra Yesil

Office Support

Kathy Duprez

Office Support


Kevin Janssens

Finance Manager

Ann Daems


Josianne Dhondt


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