Transport and logistics
Safe on the move anytime, anywhere
Within the transport and logistics sector, you face different responsibilities and concerns. What if you become involved in a complicated accident or your transported goods are lost or damaged during transport? When are you liable or not? Insuring professional transport requires knowledge and expertise. That is the professional expertise that we can insure you with at Induver.

You can contact Induver for your:
Third Party Civil Liability insurance
The compulsory basic insurance for every vehicle.
Damage and comprehensive insurance
The insurance that covers the damage to your vehicle.
Carrier liability
Also known as the CMR insurance. This insurance covers your liability for delay or damage to the goods transported between the time of receipt and delivery. This applies when the damage was due to circumstances that you could not avoid or prevent.
Transport insurance
This insurance offers the owner of the goods protection against the risks associated with transporting his or her own goods.
And much more...
and all other possible insurance solutions that your activities might require...
Meet John
John Medium +32 (0)499/00.00.00
Meet Kellie
Kellie Dhanis +32 3 224 86 36
Meet Reinhilde
Reinhilde Van Driessen +32 9 265 90 88
Meet Johny
Johny Loots +32 11 30 39 14
Meet Katleen
Katleen De Samblancx +32 2 568 12 46
At Induver, we know what keeps our clients awake at night. To relieve your concerns as much as possible, we develop our own Induver products.
Are you an independent lorry driver looking for a professional insurance package?
Then our Global Transport Policy (GTP) is for you. We only put together the best insurances, so that you as a small family transporter can take to the road with confidence. With a monthly direct debit of a fixed amount, GTP is a convenience product for your company.
If you would like more information,
don’t hesitate to contact us.
Would you like to insure the contractual liability of your driver(s)?
Do you transport or move materials? Then you are liable for goods, even when you do not always know the value. Are goods accidentally damaged? ICAP then insures the contractual liability of the driver.
If you would like more information,
don’t hesitate to contact us.
Do you drive around your company premises with your own equipment and merchandise?
Then you are always well insured with our Own Goods Policy (EGP). Your own machines determine the activities within your company. By driving around with your equipment or goods, they can be damaged or even stolen. That is why it is important to insure them for the value they have. The same applies to merchandise that you are regularly on the road with.
If you would like more information,
don’t hesitate to contact us.
Would you like to insure the electronic devices within your company?
Thanks to the Induver Electronics Policy (IEP), all electronic devices (fixed or mobile) within your organization are insured. Are you facing unexpected damage or theft? Then you can quickly repair or replace the device thanks to this insurance.
If you would like more information,
don’t hesitate to contact us.
Flexible solutions for your company
- Induver offers all insurance certificates digitally, because we know the importance of flexibility within the transport and logistics sector.
- We provide an overview of your fleet so that you keep an overview of your own values and what is and is not insured.